An Unforeseen Future by John Thieman


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With the pledge of President-elect Barack Obama that he will sign the Freedom of Choice Act into law when he takes office in January 2009, it is proper to consider both what the law would immediately mandate and its possible implications for the future. 


1.  All state laws restricting the availability of abortion will be swept away.

2.  All hospitals, care facilities and physicians will be required by law to perform murder if it  is requested of them.   

3.  Refusal to kill the infant will result in fines, the loss of the license to practice and the prospect of prison.

4.  It will be legal to obtain an abortion throughout the life of the unborn child including the moment of birth. 

5.  In the case of a minor, no parental consent will be required.

6.  Partial-birth abortions will be permitted.  The infant is delivered except for its head.  Then scissors are used to open the back of its skull to make an opening through which its brains are sucked out by a vacuum.


Future projections and implications:


1. The Planned Parenthood organization , subsidized by substantial federal grants of tax money, will increase its activities to issue “gift cards” providing monetary credits to minors enabling them to obtain an abortion without parental consent. 


2.  Suppose an infant survives the poor work of an abortionist as sometimes happens, (after all, who would not be nervous when killing a child), and while left exposed to die, it is secretly taken, cared for and raised by a loving person.  Does this care-giver become a criminal guilty of kidnapping. 


3.  Recall that since 1973 the best judicial minds on the nation’s highest court have not yet decided if this infant is a person.  Is the new living child a person or non-person.  Must it be smuggled secretly into a family for rearing.  Will it have any legal status.  If its history is discovered will it be arrested for being alive, or perhaps executed since its earlier fate was death. 


4.  Some people divide society into an Upper Class, Middle Class and Lower Class.  Will this unofficial child and others like him become members of a non-class unable to attend school, receive an education, work, receive health care, social security, pay taxes, hold public office, or even become president?


We must seriously reflect upon the kind of future are we creating for ourselves.


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